Dating Violence Prevention

Choose Respect, the Healthy Futures dating violence prevention program, uses content from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Choose Respect initiative. Choose Respect is designed to help students form healthy relationships and prevent dating abuse before it starts. Choose Respect needs to be implemented over two class sessions.

Session 1

  • Introduction to Healthy Futures, general overview of Choose Respect, and ground rules.
  • Class discussion about choosing respect in relationships, characteristics of healthy and unhealthy
  • relationships, and adverse outcomes associated with dating abuse (e.g., low self-esteem, alcohol and/or other substance use, etc.).
  • Watch video – Causing Pain: Real Stories of Dating Abuse and Violence.
  • Assign small groups and review activity instructions as a class.
  • Small group discussion about healthy and unhealthy relationships and dating abuse.

Session 2

  • Class review of Session 1 topics and Causing Pain video.
  • Student presentations of small group work.
  • Distribute community resources for dating violence and domestic abuse.

For more information on how you can offer this program in your schools and/or communities please contact Rhea Gordon at